About UFTO

For Labs, Startups and other Technology Developers

To Entrepreneurs, Companies, Inventors, Universities, and other technology developers:

We really want to hear about what you're doing, and are very likely to want to work with you if you have something that will benefit utilities or their customers.

This note describes the Utility Federal Technology Opportunities (UFTO), now entering its seventh year. We welcome the chance to explore your interest in working with us.

UFTO is a multi client program designed to help its clients learn about new technology on the horizon that could change the industry, whether from startups, inventors, large companies, or major laboratories here and abroad. UFTO's initial emphasis was on US federal labs, and now increasingly on the private side, as Wall Street and VCs have taken a major interest in energy technology.

Over the years I have personally visited all of the DOE National Labs, some 2 or 3 times, and prepared detailed reports explaining the technologies, programs, products and capabilities that are relevant to the utilities' needs.  We also been to several NASA and DOD facilities, where we've found an enthusiastic reception--labs want more collaboration and involvement with utilities. There are so many opportunities for the labs and utilities to work together, in programs directed specifically at utility/energy issues, and also with serendipitous matching of utility needs to work in other fields and from newly declassified technology in defense, weapons and aerospace.

Through UFTO, utilities expand their knowledge of the immense Federal technology resource. For you, it represents an efficient way to reach a select, motivated and influential subset of a major potential market for your technology wares. You'll also learn about the industry's technology needs and rapidly changing business environment; you'll be able to "test market" your products, services and ideas; and you'll create opportunities to enter into joint development programs, all based on direct personal contacts with key personnel at UFTO member utilities.

Our process of working with Technology Providers is straightforward. Working with a key point of contact person, we arrange  a visit to the facility for meetings with management and technical people, to get an overview of  key programs and capabilities.   Recently we've instituted a practice of inviting representatives of the client utility companies.  A draft report is prepared for your review before it's issued to the utilities.

This is very much a win-win opportunity which is well aligned with your objectives, and in the best interests of all parties and society as a whole.

Please feel free to call me at any time. I look forward to talking with you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Edward Beardsworth

October 2001