Intelligent Induction Heating and Hardening
Source: Sandia National Laboratory
Date: 5/1/96    Record No.: 10320
Contact: Russ Skocypec, Sandia National Labs, 505-845-8838

Intelligent Induction Heating and Hardening
Sandia Labs has developed a process control technique for induction hardening, which is widely used in the manufacture of industrial and automotive parts like shafts, gears, bearings, etc. The new technique permits for the first time neural net closed-loop real-time control of the process, with huge implications for energy savings (40%), inspection and waste reduction (built-in Q/A for each part, eliminating destructive testing), and even more optimally designed (lighter) parts. This is an inexpensive electronic circuit and analysis software that can be easily installed on any existing induction heating equipment. GM is already using it in production, less than two years after the start of the development.

Commercialization is being done through industry-led consortia. (industrial, electrotechnology, manufacturing)

Topics: END USE
Keywords: manufacturing