Utility Battery Storage Program
Source: Sandia National Laboratories
Date: 7/1/95    Record No.: 10143
Contact: Paul Butler, 505-844-7874; Abbas Akhil, 505-844-3353

Utility Battery Storage Program
Battery technology development (Pb-acid with GNB, Sodium sulfur with Silent Power, etc.), modular systems (AC Battery/Delco), systems studies (SDG&E, Chugach, Oglethorpe, BPA), feasibility studies (SMUD, Chugach), test & demos (PG&E, Metlakatla Alaska, PREPA) subsystems engineering, integration, industry outreach.

The utility battery storage program is strictly oriented to the electric power industry. About half of its budget goes to industry in heavily cost-shared projects. Sandia sees utility applications as being very nearly ready for take off. A broad view indicates T&D benefits, DSM and UPS/Power Quality applications which don't require very large-scale demos. Problems with large scale installations leading to new approach to do smaller units that are flexible or transportable. More of a T&D asset like a transformer. Puerto Rico's experience with 20-MW unit has convinced them to meet their estimated need of 100 MW with turnkey units.
