Room Temperature Superconductors
Source: UFTO
Date: 3/1/95    Record No.: 10107
Contact: Ed Beardsworth, 415-328-5670

Room Temperature Superconductors
Anyone in the field will tell you that claims for this appear on a regular basis, and that nothing has been demonstrated on a reproducible basis. In fact, there is a long but little known history, dating back to a prediction by a reputable scientist in 1964 that superconductivity should be possible at room temperature or higher, and early tantalizing experimental results. There are even patents filed. There are also a number of articles in respected physics journals. Certain key papers were translated from Russian and were either never published in English, or appeared in little read journals.

A small company north of San Francisco looks for breakthroughs in energy and superconductivity. They say that 99% of what they see doesn't bear up under scrutiny, but they keep an open mind, and they've found some remarkable things that can't be easily debunked. Their approach is to proceed cautiously, and subject claims to increasingly detailed and careful study.

This company has two programs that appear to have real promise. One program involves polymers developed by a group of Russian scientists, and the other some unusual work in ceramics in India. The company has locked up an exclusive relationship with both, and is supporting further development and rigorous testing and evaluation.

They are in discussions about strategic alliances with some very large companies, and they may get a government contract to do a feasibility study for very small SMES units (even speculating on something as small as a D cell.
