Key Contacts
Source: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Date: 7/1/93    Record No.: 10002
Contact: General phone 510-422-1100

Key Contacts
Anthony K. (Tony) Chargin, 510- 422-5196, head of EMATT (Energy, Manufacturing and Transportation Technologies),

Alan Bennett, 510-423-3330, Director, Industrial Partnerships and Commercialization Program.

Dave C. Conrad, 510-422-7839. Licensing.

Jeff Richardson, 510-423-5187, EMATT Program Leader for Materials Manufacturability

Jeff Wadsworth, Assoc. Director, Chemistry & Materials Sci, 510-423-2184. [

Environmental Programs Directorate (created in a recent reorganization, combining several related functions from other areas. Acting Director is Jay Davis.)

Jesse Yow, 510-422-3521. Deals with wide range of environmental technologies, especially in situ monitoring and remediation.

Information Source Contacts
Public relations. General # is 510-422-4599.
Marybeth Acuff, 510-423-4432. Knowledgable contact.
Loren Devor, Technical Info. Dept. (liaison to Directors Office), 510-422-0855 handles corporate publications/mailing lists for:
Energy & Technology Review (monthly magazine),
and the 5 yr. Institutional Plan
