2nd National Green Pricing/Power Conference
Source: DOE
Date: 3/14/97    Record No.: 10428
Contact: Blair Swezey, NREL
Lorie Adams, EPRI coordinator, 415-855-8763, fax 415-855-8501

2nd National Green Pricing/Power Conference
DOE, EEI, EPRI, and host C & SW will hold the "Second National Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference" on May 13-14, 1997, in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Agenda will include updates on existing programs, an overview of new Green Power projects, lessons learned about Green Power and retail wheeling, and perspectives on issues such as certification and disclosure.

Discounted registration fee if paid before April 15, and for members of the EPRI Renewables Target.

For registration/information, contact: Lorie Adams, EPRI coordinator, 415-855-8763, fax 415-855-8501. (EPRI has published an "Events" sheet for this.)

Also, a complete description of the program and online registration is available at the DOE/EREN Green Power web site, "Second DOE/EPRI green pricing & power marketing conference":


A summary of last year's conference appears there, along with a number of other useful resources on Green Power.
